Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Dancing Avery and more snow!
Posted by Gavin, Melissa and Avery at Wednesday, January 28, 2009 0 comments
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Meet our newest family member
To be that is....I know it looks more alien like than baby like, but I am sure he/she will be as beautiful as their big sister! We'll be meeting this little bean on or around August 9th! We're very excited!
Posted by Gavin, Melissa and Avery at Tuesday, January 20, 2009 4 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Avery's favorite word and a Momma's night out!
Ok, so this is a 2 part post. First, just a couple cute videos of my favorite girl. The first part is her favorite word. No, it's not flower anymore, although she still likes that one. Take a listen...and the second part is just her being her cute self!
And obviously it doesn't always make sense because, she LOVES bananas, Nana, Papa, Daddy, Sydney and Momma....and also Barack Obama....she is crazy:-)
I have devoted a post before to my love for the Twilight series, so naturally Tiffany and I treked out to see Twilight the movie on its opening night. I made us special shirts and everything!

Tiff and I both thought the movie didn't hold a candle to the book and there were some really good scenes that didn't make the movie, but none the less, the movie was entertaining, captured the basic story pretty well. Do not read further if you haven't read the book and want to!
So, the actress that played Bella was so so....not quite fiery and spirited (quoting Gigi) as the character in the book. Edward was very well cast....very hot, but some things about him in the movie bothered me. Ok, the scene in Biology where Bella comes to sit next to him for the first time.....isn't her blood supposed to smell SO GOOD to him that he can hardly stand it?? Well in the movie, they go for a laugh and make it out like she smells bad...I thought that was dumb. Also, Edward can read minds, and they talk about it, but I was hoping to see in the movie, like him sitting there hearing everyone's endless chatter. Also some of the scenes where Edward and Bella get to know each other were left the talk on the way back from Port Angeles was cut short and changed a bit and also no scene from the blood typing day in Biology where Edward and Bella get much more friendly. Another scene I missed was from when Alice and Jasper take Bella to the hotel in AZ. In the book, you get to know a lot more about the characters of Alice and Jasper, but the movie doesn't really develop that relationship. Anyway, it sounds like I hated it, but I really didn't. I don't know a movie based off of a book that was EVER better than the book anyway. I can't wait for the next movie to come out...until then I am back to Twilight withdrawl!!
Posted by Gavin, Melissa and Avery at Tuesday, November 25, 2008 3 comments
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Hi, My name is Melissa and I am a Twilight-aholic!
Its been 3 days since my last book in the Twilight saga! I was really hesitant to read these books. Tiffany was reading them and I noticed while in Borders that they were in the young adult section which completely turned me off, but Tiffany convinced me to give them a shot and now I have to admit...I am a 27 year old reader of Young Adult fiction!!! I finished Twilight in 3 days and wanted more. Tiffany made me wait a whole day for New Moon, this book was so frustrating (in a good way) to made me want to hurry up and keep going, just having to believe that the best was yet to come. It definitely was....Eclipse did not disappoint one bit. However, I enjoyed Breaking Dawn far and away the best. I could have done with some more description in certain parts....people who have read it will know what I mean;-)It's somehow strangely possible to fall in love with a fictional 17 year old vampire...sick as it sounds:-) I finished all 4 books in the series in just over a week. Now I feel like I am going through withdrawl, Edward (the perfect man) withdrawl...and there aren't going to be any more books in the series....booo! Tiff and I are discussing plans to go see the movie in 2 weeks...I am sure we'll be surrounded by tons of teenage girls, but oh well. I encourage everyone to read these books!! The gorgeous vampire Edward!!
Posted by Gavin, Melissa and Avery at Thursday, November 06, 2008 6 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!
One year ago my life became more wonderful than I could have possibly imagined. On September 26, 2007 at 7:37AM I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl. I can't help but think about the terrible labor I endured, but within a second of laying eyes on that beautiful cherub I knew it was all worth it. Avery is a joy. She has such a sweet personality, she is so smart and she is so beautiful. I know her Dad and I both feel priviledged to have her in our lives. We could not ask for more......
Posted by Gavin, Melissa and Avery at Thursday, September 25, 2008 4 comments
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Happy Birthday Sofia and Goodbye Summer!
So Summer is just about over here. Kind of a bummer, but we love fall and have lots of activities planned soon. We have Avery's birthday, Apple Picking, the Fryeburg Fair...oh and a big party at Gretchen's next week that should be fun. Ok, end of blog, I have a baby who keeps wanting to type!
Posted by Gavin, Melissa and Avery at Sunday, September 07, 2008 0 comments
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
The Newest Engelhardt
There is not a single picture I have seen yet that accurately shows just how cute Petros is! I have been so lucky to get to see him every day since he has been home and I am impressed each time at how smart he is. Dan and Tiffany wrote about when Avery was born and said that they knew that they would love her, but nothing prepared them for how they felt when they saw her. I feel the same way about Petros. Not that I didn't know this before, but more than ever I realize that biology does not create a family, love does....and we certainly have plenty of that! Ok, I am getting a bit corny now, I know, so I will just stop there!
Posted by Gavin, Melissa and Avery at Wednesday, August 06, 2008 2 comments