Today we celebrated Sofia's first birthday. I can hardly believe how fast these girls are growing up! Sofia is walking now and its so cute! She was kind enough to let Avery share her new toys and sit in the car and wagon. We'll make sure Avery does the same in a few weeks when it is her turn!

So that also means my beautiful little cherub is almost one as well! We're planning a ladybug party for her since I gave her the nickname "ladybug" when she was in my belly. It seems like just a few months ago that's where she was and now she is starting to look less and less like my little baby girl! No walking yet, but she surfs and crawls around at warp speed, so her Daddy and I are in no hurry for walking:-)
One of Avery's favorite things to do now is crawl over to the piano and climb up to reach the keys! Here she is in action:-)

So Summer is just about over here. Kind of a bummer, but we love fall and have lots of activities planned soon. We have Avery's birthday, Apple Picking, the Fryeburg Fair...oh and a big party at Gretchen's next week that should be fun. Ok, end of blog, I have a baby who keeps wanting to type!
So Summer is just about over here. Kind of a bummer, but we love fall and have lots of activities planned soon. We have Avery's birthday, Apple Picking, the Fryeburg Fair...oh and a big party at Gretchen's next week that should be fun. Ok, end of blog, I have a baby who keeps wanting to type!
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