Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

2nd Ultrasound

Well we had our second ultrasound this morning. They measured the baby's head, heart, spine, kidney and much more. They tell us that... ITS legs and arm were a week ahead of schedule for length, which means it will be a long baby. I guess that means that... IT inherited some of my height. We saw cute little feet and hands and of course the sex!!! The pictures below show the following profile, arm and head, foot and lastly sex.

The Three lines the mouse pointer is pointing to indicate that SHE is a girl!!!! Her name is Avery Grace Stone!!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Happy Birthday to our first Baby!

Sydney turned 2 years old today! She has officially graduated from puppyhood, although she doesn't act like it. Like last year, we decided to give her a cupcake of her own to celebrate. She is looking up in the picture, waiting for permission to pounce! She took the cupcake down on the lawn, paper and all and started munching. She seemed confused by the paper, but when Gavin went to remove it, she grabbed it fast, like it was being taken away and ate it all up!

Growing, Growing, and more

Be careful what you wish for! Just about a month ago, I remember saying how I felt awkwardly pregnant, that I just looked chubby. It is a different story now! And this is only at 19 weeks, big Mommy or big Baby....maybe both!! We find out the baby's sex on May 16th!! We cannot wait. We're still leaning towards it being a boy, but don't really care either way. We would love to hear others guesses as well!

And here is a picture of the Happy Daddy, who is still waiting to be able to feel the baby kick! He/She kicks its Mom all the time now!


Oh, no wait, nevermind, its just Gavin! Chopping us some firewood for camping this summer. Check out my big, burly man of a husband:-)

Cutting down!

Gabby came over to help Gavin start the tree removal process. They had to first cut all the braches off with a hatchet and hand saw!

Then our wonderful neighbor Mahfuz came over to volunteer his chainsaw and services in cutting down the remaining portion of the tree. He also brought a friend with him to help. It took Gavin and the two of them several hours to cut the tree into pieces. The stump however, remains in place until we can rent a stump grinder.

The Storm!!

We didn't fare so well from the storm on April 16th! We had a huge spruce tree fall down in the yard. We were very lucky that it decided to fall directly in between houses without damage caused. I was sitting inside and heard this thunderous "THUMP!!" I went and looked out the window and there sat the 20ish foot tall tree. It kinda scared me, so I called Gavin at work and he assured me to just stay inside and I would be fine! I did have to venture out a couple of times to pick up shingles that had blown loose from the roof, it took some pretty good damage from all that wind. Luckily insurance is helping us to repair that, so any roofing volunteers are welcome! Posted above are pictures of the fallen tree!