Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Sunday, March 02, 2008


This past Wednesday morning started off as usual. Gavin awoke to go deal with all the snow in the driveway before leaving for work, but something interrupted his shovelling. Our lovely dog, Sydney came around the corner, sneezing and rubbing her face in the snow. Then the smell came, skunk, very close by. Gavin quickly put Sydney in the garage so she wouldn't get sprayed, but when he went to check on her a few minutes later, he learned it was too late. The garage reaked of skunk! He came in and woke me up to tell me that Sydney had been skunked! We both ended up calling out of work to bathe her. We bathed her twice in a recipe I found online. What a mess! Our clothes stunk, towels stunk, the whole house smelled so bad. Luckily our little angel, Avery stayed asleep through part of this fiasco! Sydney and the house still smell a little skunky, but hopefully it will fade with time. Hopefully Sydney has learned her lesson, but something tells me probably not!


Deidre and Dave said...

oh think skunk plus 5 dogs my dogs did it in the middle of the night and came running in on our bed lets just say nothing works just time I had to throw my bedding out I had to spray bleach on the mattress and you may think you don't smell it anymore think again you just got use to it I pulled out apair of shoes months later and smelt like skunk I gave David our old surround sound and when he took it home the next morning he could smell it its soooo have patience.